Energy Saving Card Switches

For Quantity new orders refer to either TEM EM40 or TEM EM46 Card Switches.
We have some 12 and 24V Card switches that are suitable for use as replacements, contact us for further details.
Options include and 12 & 24VDC versions are also available:
1. RF Card Switch ESD-950-RF
2. Mifare-1 and mifare-0 card switch ESD-950-M1
3. Magnetic card switch ESD-950-EM
4. IC card switch ESD 950-IC
5. Any Card Switch. ESD 950-A
* 12V
* 24V
- White
- Black
- Sand (Gold)
Contact us for more detail.
TEM Energy Saver Key Card Switch-16A-23s Delay
TEM Card Switch - EM46 - Available in 6 Colours. Energy Saver Card Switch - 16A 250V ~ ..
AUD $ 448.95
Energy Saving Card Device -12V Any Card Switch-White
ESD-950 Specifications - for use with any keycard. Voltage 16 Amp 12VDC Exit time delay:..
AUD $ 99.95
Energy Saving Card Device -24V-Any Card Switch-White
ESD-950 Specifications - for use with any keycard. Voltage 16 Amp 24VDC Exit time del..
AUD $ 99.95
Energy Saving Card Switch - 24V-MF Card-White
ESD-950 Specifications - for use with Mifare room keycards only Voltage 16 Amp 24V Ex..
AUD $ 139.95
Energy Saving Card Switch-12V - MF Card-White
ESD-950 Specifications - for use with Mifare room keycards only Voltage 12V 16 Amp E..
AUD $ 139.95